The Stellarium script Compendium
Ring 2013
A scripting competition open to everybody
is organized by LSS-Planetarium
Deadline : the 11th of december
2013 (11/12/13)
You have to send by email, FTP,
Web hosting service, CD, DVD or USBkey a ZIP file including your.stellarium360
script with the images and audio (if needed).
The stellarium script must be compatible
with Stellarium360.
The stellarium script has to be
conceived for projection in 180° view mode (oriented dome or not).
It must be sent to
before December the 12th, 2012.
You can tell that you'll participate
ahead of time (even now!) and you'll get the right to use a cool invitation
script done by us !
For those knowing what kind of scripts
we are able to produce, don't be afraid, we will not participate :-)
In sending a script, you accept
for this script to be spread to the different validated competitors (and
only them) but only AFTER the ending date of the concours (of course).
The goal of this competition is
to form a group of digital planetarists using the.stellarium360 scripting
method to share the best scripts available. The people in this private
group will access all productions validated by the jury. Any people willing
to enter this group will have to propose a personnal production of a minimum
quality to be accepted.
In return, he will access to all
of the scripts present in the share directory (the scripts from this competition
and those added by the newcomers and some others from the LSS-Planetarium
A Planetarium stellarium script
show or sets of short Stellarium scripts for planetarists covering a lot
of astronomical thematics and maybe other prizes (other scripts, shows,
videos, ...) depending on the number of scripts received, the quality of
them and the different sponsorships that we will be able to gather...
These scripts will only be given
to the winner for use in his planetarium.
They will ponderate the quality
of the presentation, the pedagogical impact, the originality and the complexity.
The results and prizes will be available
on December the 21th, 2013.
Good Luck for everybody and now script
Made with the support of ...