
Lionel RUIZ

More than 300

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Lhoumeau Sky System - Stellarium scripts  

Chapter 1: Runnig a script
Chapter 2: Writing a simple script
Chapter 3: List of commands (the superscript.sts)
Chapter 4: The "copy and paste" method
Chapter 5: Examples of scripts

1) Running a script

A Stellarium360 script is a text file, using the extension .sts

It has to be placed in a specific directory, the actual version of stellarium360 uses 5 directories:


When running Stellarium360, press M
-select the 7th menu with up and down arrow keys
Select the category corresponding to where you put the script (7.1 or 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5) with the right arrow key (or Enter). If you're not in the appropriate menu, use the up / down arrow to display the menu 7.1
-Type again the right arrow (or Enter). This time you are in the scripts folder
-Type up / down key to select the script that you want
-Confirm your choice with the Enter key (not necessary)
-Exit the menu by pressing the M key, the script automatically starts

-During the execution, it's possible to put the process in pause. It is generally expected. press key K or <SPACE> to resume
-If you made a mistake, you can stop the script by using the <G> key

2) Writing a simple script

With the notepad, create a text file. Remember to name the file with a .sts extension (stellarium script)
This file is composed of simple commands that allows to "remote" stellarium360.
First, to include comments, simply start the line with a #

# This is a comment

To begin with we will look at the time controls
To accelerate the movement of stars

timerate rate x timerate rate x
x = acceleration time in seconds

timerate rate 60
# used to accelerate the time x60 in relation to the "real time"
# in this example, 1 second corresponds to 1 minute of elapsed time software
# 900 may exceed sore heart.

Note 1: to skip days, it is advisable to use the "relative date".

timerate rate 1 
# to return to normal scrolling

timerate rate 0 
# stop time, can be useful if you want to avoid shooting stars

wait duration x 

x number of seconds

wait duration 10
# waits during 10s

script action pause
# Stop  the script, resume by pressing the K key

date utc 2008:11:10T14:30:00
# Set the date and time on 10.11.2008 at 14:30 utc

Exercise No. 1
View the sky at midnight on 2008/12/24
scroll 5 hours of time over an interval of 5 seconds
back to real time
stop script
go back to 1200x for 15 seconds
back to real time

# script example No. 1
date utc 2008:12:24T00:00:00 
timerate rate 3600
wait duration 5
timerate rate 1
script action pause
timerate rate -1200 
wait duration 15 
timerate rate 1 

subsidiary question: what is the arrival time?

3) List of commands  : Download


# Play an audio (wav or ogg) file (possibility to fast forward it if it's an .ogg file)
audio filename MUSIC.ogg output_rate 44100 action play

# Loop the audio file or not
audio loop on
audio loop off

# Pauses an audio file
audio action pause

# Resume an audio file
audio action resume

# Resync audio file if needed due to image preloading
audio action sync

# Stop and Free memory of an audio file
audio action drop

# Decrement audio volume
audio volume decrement

# Increment audio volume
audio volume increment

# Change value of audio volume (0.0<=X<=1.0)
audio volume X 


# Create an artificial satellite
body action load name "ALSAT 1" parent Earth radius 1 oblateness 0.0 albedo  0.9 lighting false color 0.8,0.9,0.8  tex_map demo/sattext001.png halo true tex_halo demo/NULLw.png big_halo false big_halo_size  8 rot_pole_ra 0.0 rot_pole_de 45.0 rot_periode 0.002 coord_func ell_orbit orbit_Epoch 2454804.56951084 orbit_Period 0.0683531232257665 orbit_visualization_period  0.0683531232257665 orbit_SemiMajorAxis 7056.81219499864 orbit_Eccentricity 0.0010418 orbit_Inclination   97.969 orbit_AscendingNode 214.3671 orbit_LongOfPericenter 336.8124 orbit_MeanLongitude 574.4404 orbit_color 0.8,0.9,0.8  

# Create a fake planet (not rotating)
body action load name _ parent Sun radius 1 oblateness 0.0 albedo 0.0 lighting false halo false color 1.0,1.0,1.0 rot_periode 1000000000 tex_map none.png coord_func saturn_special

# Create an asteroid
body action load name "Ceres" parent Sun oblateness 0.0 color 1.0,1.0,1.0 coord_func comet_orbit halo true lighting true tex_halo demo/star16x16.png radius 470 tex_map demo/asteroid.png albedo 0.113 orbit_SemiMajorAxis 2.7659565 orbit_MeanAnomaly 215.80100 orbit_Inclination 10.58671 orbit_Epoch 2454200.5 orbit_Eccentricity 0.0797602 orbit_AscendingNode 80.40696 orbit_ArgOfPericenter 73.15069 orbit_visualization_period 1680.15

# Discard planet momentaneously
body name Jupiter hidden true
wait duration 3
body name Jupiter hidden false

# Clear all added bodies
body action clear

# Drop a created body
body name "Ceres" action drop

body name Moon color name r 0.4 g 0.5 b 0.5
body name Moon color trails r 0.4 g 0.5 b 0.5
body name Moon color orbit r 0.4 g 0.5 b 0.5
body name all color orbit r 0.4 g 0.5 b 0.5


# Set all back to default config.ini parameters
clear state natural


# Color of specified category of object (0.0<=X,Y,Z<=1.0)
# R G B stands for Red Green and Blue composants

color property azimuthal_grid r 0 g 0.4 b 0.6
color property cardinal_points r 1 g 1 b 0.6
color property constellation_art r 1 g 1 b 1
color property constellation_boundaries r 0.4 g 0.3 b 0
color property constellation_lines r 0.05 g 0.05 b 0.3
color property constellation_names r 0.6 g 0.7 b 0
color property ecliptic_line r 1 g 0.2 b 0.2
color property equator_grid r 0.5 g 1 b 0.5
color property equator_line r 0.5 g 1 b 0.5
color property galactic_grid r 0.3 g 0.3 b 0.3
color property meridian_line r 0 g 0.8 b 1
color property nebula_circle r 1 g 0.9 b 0
color property nebula_names r 0 g 0 b 0
color property planet_names r 0.3 g 0.7 b 1
color property planet_orbits r 0.2 g 0.2 b 0.2
color property planet_trails r 1 g 0.5 b 0
color property precession_circle r 0.6 g 0.4 b 0
color property satellite_orbits r 0.1 g 0.1 b 0.1


# (re)load the default settings
configuration action load


# Change date in local time 
date local 2014:03:20T12:00:00

# Change date in Universal Time format
date utc 2014:03:19T23:50:00

# Jump date in days relatively to today (can be decimal)
date relative 1.5

# Jump date in sidereal days relatively to the planet you are on and the date
date sidereal 2.0

# Set date to current date, or date saved as preset start up date
date load current

# Set time to sun rise
date sun rise

# Set date to current date, or date saved as preset start up date
date sun set

# Set the date format and display options
set time_display_format 24h
set date_display_format mmddyyyy
set time_zone Europe/Paris


# Deselect current objet

# Deselect specified Constellation. Common possibilities are: 
# Aql And Scl Ara Lib Cet Ari Sct Pyx Boo Cae Cha Cnc Cap Car Cas Cen Cep Com Cvn 
# Aur Col Cir Crt CrA CrB Crv Cru Cyg Del Dor Dra Nor Eri Sge For Gem Cam CMa UMa
# Gru Her Hor Hya Hyi Ind Lac Mon Lep Leo Lup Lyn Lyr Ant Mic Mus Oct Aps Oph Ori
# Pav Peg Pic Per Equ CMi LMi Vul Umi Phe Psc PsA Vol Pup Ret Sgr Sco Sct Ser Sex
# Men Tau Tel Tuc Tri Tra Aqr Vir Vel 
# (others are to be found in constellation_names.eng.fab from the specified sky_culture)
deselect constellation Tau


# Play the specified video file
external_viewer filename videos/genesis.avi action play

# Force stopping the specified video file and go back to script
external_viewer action stop


# Those are simple commands that can be "on", "off", or "toggle"

# Draw analemma relative to the sun.
flag analemma_line on

# Draw analemma relative to midday.
flag analemma on

# Draw vernal point longitude line.
flag aries_line on

# Draw smoother lines.
flag antialias_lines on

# Draw atmospheric effects.
flag atmosphere on

# Draw azimutal grid.
flag azimutal_grid on

# Draw nebulae visibles with naked eyes
flag bright_nebulae on

# Draw cardinal points.
flag cardinal_points on

# Draw clouds when rendering planets such as Earth.
flag clouds on

# Draw circumpolar circle showing limit of sky visibility.
flag circumpolar_circle on

# Draw constellation artwork.
flag constellation_art on

# Draw contellation boundaries.
flag constellation_boundaries on

# Draw constellation line drawings.
flag constellation_drawing on

# Draw constellation labels.
flag constellation_names on

# Select constellation pick mode (whether to only draw selected constellations).
flag constellation_pick on

# Draw ecliptic poles.
flag ecliptic_center on

# Draw ecliptic line.
flag ecliptic_line on

# Draw equator line.
flag equator_line on

# Draw equatorial grid.
flag equatorial_grid on

# Draw fog along the horizon (support depends on landscape).
flag fog on

# Draw galactic center.
flag galactic_center on

# Draw galactic grid
flag galactic_grid on

# Draw galactic poles.
flag galactic_pole on

# Draw longitude line relative to Greenwich.
flag greenwich_line on

# Draw the landscape.
flag landscape on

# Whether to correct for light travel time when drawing planets and moons.
flag light_travel_time on

# Sets the ground rotating instead of the stars
flag lock_sky_position toggle

# Select manual zoom mode.
flag manual_zoom on

# Draw the meridian line.
flag meridian_line on

# Draw the Milky Way.
flag milky_way on

# Draw nebulae.
flag nebulae on

# Draw nebula labels.
flag nebula_names on

# Draw motion trails for planets and moons.
flag object_trails on

# Draw personal grid in horizontal coordinates. Refer to ~/.stellarium360/ftp/pub/personal.txt for lines to draw.
flag personal on

# Draw personal grid in equatorial coordinates. Refer to ~/.stellarium360/ftp/pub/personeq.txt for lines to draw.
flag personeq on

# Draw planets and moons.
flag planets on

# Draw planet labels.
flag planet_names on

# Draw planet orbits.
flag planet_orbits on

# Draw Earth precession circle.
flag precession_circle on

# Draw stars and planets as single pixels regardless of magnitude.
flag point_star on

# Draw sky poles
flag polar_circle on

# If on, will print script errors to the screen.  Good for debugging.
flag script_gui_debug on

# Draw the date and time.
flag show_tui_datetime on

# Draw information about the selected object.
flag show_tui_short_obj_info on

# Draw star labels.
flag star_names on

# Draw stars twinkling.
flag star_twinkle on

# Draw stars.
flag stars on

# Center view on currently selected object.
flag track_object on

# Draw tropic line.
flag tropic_lines on

# Draw vernal point and opposite.
flag vernal_points on

# Draw East/West vertical line.
flag vertical_line on

# Draw zenithal point.
flag zenith_line on

# Draw zodiacal borders.
flag zodiac on


# Spot the selected star.
illuminate HP 32349 display on
wait duration 3
illuminate HP 32349 display off

# Put an image instead of the default Spot.
illuminate HP 32349 size 0.5 filename halo.png display on
illuminate HP 36850 size 0.5 filename halo.png display on
wait duration 3
illuminate action clear


# Images are drawn in the order they are loaded. 
# alpha=0 is invisible / alpha=0.5 is semi-transparent / alpha=1 is opaque.
# Images are squares with a power of 2 value for dimensions (128/256/512/...) in PNG preferably but JPEG ans some others are supported.  
# "mipmap on" is smoothing the image to avoid pixel blinking when the image is moved/zoomed (off by default).

# Fisheye image without distortion
# A scale 1 means that it occupies all the field. A greater factor will make it zoom. A<1 factor will diminish its size on the screen.
image name zodfisheye filename demo/zodiacal.png coordinate_system viewport alpha 0 scale 1 mipmap off action load
wait duration 1
image name zodfisheye alpha 1 duration 3
wait duration 5
image name zodfisheye alpha 0 duration 3
wait duration 3

# Drop images when no longer needed to improve performance.
image name zodfisheye action drop

# Fisheye image without distortion but with center point located at bottom center.
image name petale1 filename demo/triangle.png coordinate_system viewport alpha 1 scale 1 mipmap on xpos 0.0 ypos 1.0 rotation 0 action load
wait duration 1
image name petale1 xpos 0.0 ypos 0.0 duration 3
wait duration 3

#Square image positioned relatively to the dome AZ(N=0° E=90° S=180° W=270°) ALT(Zenith=90° Horizon=0° Nadir=-90°). It can go over +/-360°
#In horizontal/dome coordinates, the scale defines the angular width of the image in degrees.
image name voyager2 filename demo/voyager2.png coordinate_system dome alpha 1 scale 0 altitude 0 azimuth 180 mipmap on action load

#Square image positioned relatively to the normal view (dependant of the zoom factor)
image name voyager2 filename demo/voyager2.png coordinate_system horizontal alpha 1 scale 0 altitude 0 azimuth 180 mipmap on action load

#Square image positioned relatively to the sky in right ascension (azimuth=0 to 360°) and declination (altitude=-90° to 90°) coordinates
image name greatbear filename daudet/charretier.png coordinate_system j2000 alpha 0 scale 35 azimuth 190.00 altitude 55.00 mipmap on action load

#Square image positioned relatively to the equatorial coordinates (sky moving through time).
image name zodiac filename zodiac/aries.png coordinate_system equatorial alpha 0 scale 35 azimuth 190.00 altitude 55.00 mipmap on action load

# Draw the image depending on the position of the focus point (xpos ypos)
#For xpos, -1 is left edge of image, 0 is center and 1 is right edge.
#For ypos, -1 is up of image, 0 is center and 1 is down.
image xpos 0 ypos 0


clear state natural
body action clear
set sky_locale en
set home_planet Earth
flag atmosphere on
flag landscape on
flag ground on
zoom auto initial
set time_display_format 24h
set date_display_format mmddyyyy
set time_zone Europe/Paris
timerate rate 1
meteors zhr 0
flag light_pollution_luminance 20
set star_limiting_mag 6.5
set star_twinkle_amount 0.3
flag star_twinkle on
flag stars on
flag milky_way on
set milky_way_intensity 0.5
flag nebulae on
flag bright_nebulae on
flag planets on
set moon_scale 5
flag moon_scaled on
flag cardinal_points off
set sky_culture western-color


# Internal landscape
set landscape_name guereins

# Fisheye landscape, the image must be transparent PNG (transparency = sky)
landscape name panorama type fisheye maptex demo/windrose.png night_texture demo/windrose.png texturefov 180 action load mipmap on

# Panoramic landscape
landscape action load name panorama type spherical maptex panoramas/beagle_day.png night_texture panoramas/beagle_night.png rotate_z 90 mipmap on

# For fisheye landscapes, sets the field of view of the texture, typically 180°.  Default is 180°.
landscape fov 210

# Sets the altitude corresponding to the bottom/top of the image
landscape top_altitude 60 base_altitude -60

# Sets the orientation of the landscape (0 = Top of image is north).
landscape rotate_z 90

landscape type old_style
#  "old_style" is quite complex to form but permits having fog activated.




# Set the intensity of the background equatorial spherical texture (0.0 to 1.0)
set milky_way_fader_duration 3
set milky_way_texture milkyways/mw00.png
set milky_way_intensity 1
flag milky_way on
set milky_way_texture default

# Sometimes useful to have those associated (on or off depending if they interfer or not)
flag nebulae on
flag bright_nebulae on
flag stars on
flag planets on
flag atmosphere on
flag landscape on


# Latitude: North is positive / Longitude: East is positive / Altitude in meters
moveto lat 43.33 lon 5.33 alt 75 duration 0
moveto lat 43.33 lon 5.33 alt 75 heading 0 duration 5
moveto lat default lon default alt default heading default


#Change of latitude and longitude depending on positions referenced in the cities.fab table
movetocity name Paris country France


# Change flow of time to accelerate/decelerate script play
multiplier rate 1
multiplier action increment step 2
multiplier action decrement step 2


# Add a nebula
nebula action load ra 323.375 de -0.817 magnitude 6.5 distance 50000 angular_size 13 name M2 filename messier110/m002-hst.png credit NASA/STScI texture_luminance_adjust 1

# Force an object to be visible during daytime
nebula action load ra 90 de -66.567 magnitude -30 angular_size 250 name eclnorth filename dome/reticle.png credit ACA texture_luminance_adjust 1

# Dropping nebula or all
nebula name IC4665 action drop
nebula action clear


# Set to the recorded planet/position/altitude/date/time.
position action load
Save the planet we are on, position, altitude date and time.
position action save


# Draw the moon 10x scaled.
set moon_scale 10
flag moon_scaled on

# Draw the sun 5x scaled.
set sun_scale 5
flag sun_scaled on

# Draw a planet scaled
planet_scale name Mercury scale 10 duration 5


# If a script calls another script, the first will continue after the called script finishes
script filename speed-up.sts action play

# Stops definetely the script
script action end

# Pausing a script and wait pressing on <SPACE> or <K>
script action pause

# Continue but not usable during a script play
script action resume

# Record frames, replacing "script action pause" by "wait duration" commands  
script action record filename my_script.sts duration 3


#If no arguments are supplied, deselects current object.  (Leaves constellation selection alone.)  See deselect command.

#Whether to draw the highlighting pointer around the selected object.  Default is on.
select constellation Gem pointer off
select hp 83501 pointer on
select nebula "Owl Nebula" pointer on
select planet Jupiter pointer off
select planet home_planet pointer off 


# set the fading of the atmosphere
set atmosphere_fade_duration 3
flag atmosphere off
wait duration 3
flag atmosphere on

# set the fading of constellation figures
set constellation_art_fade_duration 3
flag constellation_art on
wait duration 3
flag constellation_art off

# what is the transparency of the constellation figures
# semi transparent
set constellation_art_intensity 0.5
# full intensity
set constellation_art_intensity 1

# used for auto zoom
set auto_move_duration 5

# change of Landscape
# see the landscape.ini file
set landscape_name guereins

# Set naked eye limiting magnitude due to light pollution
set light_pollution_limiting_magnitude 6.3

# Line width settings
flag antialias_lines on
set line_width 1.5

# only label nebulas brighter than this
set max_mag_nebula_name 4.0

# only label stars brighter than this
set max_mag_star_name

# scale of celestial bodies (1 is real size)
set sun_scale 5
set moon_scale 5

# what azimuthal position is at the bottom of the screen (East in the example)
set heading 90 duration 5

# set the planet you are on (if exists)
set home_planet Mars duration 5

# change of sky culture
# Culture directory name in the data/sky_cultures directory
set sky_culture arabic

# change language for the sky names
# names of the folders in the data/locale directory
# Examples: it=italian fr=french en=english es=spanish de=german ...
set sky_locale fr

# limit the magnitude
# Default is 6.5. Simply does not draw stars dimmer than this value at a full sky view. Might be removed in future releases.
set star_limiting_mag 6.5

# limit the scale of stars depending on the mangitude of the stars
set star_mag_scale 2.0

# Set the stars fade duration
set star_fader_duration 3

# Stars twinkling level
# Set to space environment
flag landscape off
flag atmosphere off
set star_twinkle_amount 0
meteors zhr 0

# Set to earth surface environment
flag landscape on
flag atmosphere on
set star_twinkle_amount 0.3
meteors zhr 10
set time_zone "Europe/Paris"

# Change where tracked objects show up on the dome.  
# Zoom position will be centered to Zenith
set zoom_offset 0

# Zoom position will be centered to 45° above South
set zoom_offset -0.5

# Load a new sky culture, which can include constellation lines, constellation art, constellation boundaries, and star names.
# The directory is relative to the script's location.  The directory should contain all the files necessary to define a sky culture.  
# See the built in cultures in the data/sky_cultures/ directory for examples.
sky_culture action load path culture_own/mesopotamic


#Quit stellarium360 properly


# Draw under the position of the sun. Can be useful for sun apparent motion (here in the example)or analemma if used in sidereal steps.
flag suntrace on
suntrace pen on
timerate rate 900
wait duration 10
timerate rate 1
suntrace pen off
flag suntrace off
suntrace action clear


# Draw at 45° above South the text "Orion - The Hunter"
text action load name orion_string string "Orion - The Hunter" altitude 45 azimuth 180 r 0.5 g 0.5 b 0.0
text name orion_string display on
wait duration 10
text name orion_string display off
text name orion_string action drop


# Set simulation time rate. How much seconds will increment in the simulator each second
timerate rate 1

# One hour per second
timerate rate 3600


# Wait a certain amount of time to do the actions requested earlier (unit = seconds)
wait duration 3

# This command permit to reset the timer to resynchronize after some images loading
# It'll wait automatically the time needed to load those images
wait action reset_timer


# "initial" returns to configured initial fov and viewing direction 
zoom auto initial

# Automatic zoom on the target
zoom auto in duration 5

# Back to horizontal view without any zooming
zoom auto out

# Change the current field of view, in degrees
zoom fov DEGREES duration 5

# Center the zoom on the zenith (or specific zoom position)
zoom center on

# Relative zooming
zoom delta_fov DEGREES 

4) The copy and paste method

A quick and easy way to learn to program stellarium360 is to copy some code from an existing script, then change a few settings to make a "test" and understand the syntax. As you may realize, a stellarium360 script is rather austere and any typo results in ignorance of the order ...

-about pictures
to be not distorted, and properly displayed, the images must be square, in a multiple of 8 resolution (eg 512x512 or 256x256). stellarium360 knows only manipulate PNG format, which has the advantage of running a layer alpha, enabling transparency. Remember when you prepare an image for a show stellarium360 to choose a background color (eg black) to be made transparent to the registration in PNG format (the menu options in paintshop eg)

-about sound
the format used in stellarium360 is. ogg, a free software like audacity allows the manipulation of sound files of all kinds and the conversion to ogg
2 ways to use it:
small sequences: practice, just run the command at the right time. Drawback: it's not possible for example to insert both a comment on an action and a soundtrack in the background; stellarium360 only knows how to manage one ogg track at a time.

For large sequences: more sports, but allowing more flexibility. Once the script done in terms of animation, you must obtain a paper, a pencil and a stopwatch to note the position of all the sounds. The result is a time line, which to build a sound file with such audacity. It is then possible to insert comments, background music (note: use music free or do you pay a fee to SACEM, in France).

5) Examples of scripts

Spring sky by Yves Lhoumeau
stellarium360 Script (.sts format)

- Automatic lesson about the spring sky with chosen targets. Made to be realtime commented by the planetarist.

-Basic functions.

Explanation of day and night as seen from outside our planet by Lionel Ruiz
stellarium360 Script (.sts format)

- Present night and day zone on the earth at equinox
- Rotation of the earth through two days

Press play on the remote to jump to different parts after explanations.
Total solar eclipse of 03/29/2006 as seen from Antalya by Lionel Ruiz
stellarium360 Script (.sts format)

- Position of moon compared to the ecliptic
- Position in front of the constellations
- Zoom of the phenomenon
- Corona as seen with naked eye

Press play on the remote to jump to different parts after explanations.
Explanation of gravity in spherical topology by Lionel Ruiz
stellarium360 Script (.sts format)

- Present a jump at the earth surface
- Bottom and top direction
- Running and jumping effect
- Speed increase and satellite making

Press play on the remote to jump to different parts after explanations.
Explanation of  moon phases and eclipses by Lionel Ruiz
stellarium360 Script (.sts format)

- Ecliptic line and lunar orbit as seen from earth
- Lunation in geocentric
- Apparent movement of the Sun around the ecliptic
- Solar and lunar eclipses

Press play on the remote to jump to different parts after explanations.

Explanation of the moon following our steps by Lionel Ruiz
stellarium360 Script (.sts format)

- Present natural parralactic movement in three depth

Press play on the remote to jump to different parts after explanations.
Explanation of a lunar eclipse by Lionel Ruiz
stellarium360 Script (.sts format)

- Present the 03-03-2007 lunar eclipse.
- Situation of the eclipse with Leo
- Zoom and phenomenon
- Moon centered view of the phenomenon with atmosphere coloured in red during the totality. 

Press play on the remote to jump to different parts after explanations.
Mars positioning by Lionel Ruiz
stellarium360 Script (.sts format)

- Preset the position of an observer on Mars
- Gusev panorama

Once installed, you can drive your audience to follow interesting aspects of the red planet (Deneb close to north pole - Day duration - Year duration - Phobos and Deimos - seasons).

Seasons by Lionel Ruiz
stellarium360 Script (.sts format)

- Present rise and set of the sun through equinoxes and solstices.
- Analemma
- Zodiacal travel of the sun through the year
- Heliocentrical view of the phenomenon

Press play on the remote to jump to different parts after explanations.
The solar system from above by Lionel Ruiz
stellarium360 Script (.sts format)

- Rotation speed of inner planets
- Rotation speed of outer planets

Press play on the remote to jump to different parts after explanations.

Christmas eve by Yves Lhoumeau
stellarium360 Script (.sts format)

- Music and greetings (image written in french language) about christmas with Santa.

-Use of .ogg file.

Pulsars by Yves Lhoumeau
stellarium360 Script (.sts format)

- Description of pulsars (with their positions and sound) with comments in French.

-Use of multiple .ogg files. Synchro audio/images/sounds.
The solar system bodies rotating by Lionel Ruiz
stellarium360 Script (.sts format)

- Rotation speed of the moon and sun with sunspots at different speeds
- Rotation speed of planets

Press play on the remote to jump to different parts after explanations.

Notice that we have already made more than 400 stellarium scripts covering many astronomical subjects. Feel free to ask for more details.
Lionel RUIZ
© 2009 - 2023 LSS Group - Yves LHOUMEAU & Lionel RUIZ - Terms of Use